Friday, April 4, 2014

The Wrestlemania XXX Drinking Game

Wrasslemania XXX is just about here, so if you're planning on watching it and you're an adult, you're probably gonna want to get nice and drunk. With that in mind...

Presenting: 30 Drinking Rules for Wrestlemania XXX!!!

1) Drink for all 2 counts.
2) 3 second drink for a 3 count.
3) The Andre the Giant Rule: Drink for a classic bodyslam.
4) Drink if someone executes their finishing move (or their opponent's).
5) The John Cena Rule: 5 second drink for any wrestler's Five Moves of Doom. (The Squash Amendment: If the 5 Moves end the match, drink for 10.)
6) The Ric Flair Rule: Drink for any foul play (grabbing the tights, feet on the ropes, low blow, weapons, thumb to the eye - if Flair would do it, drink!) 
7) Waterfall for a submission victory.
8) Do a shot for a new champ.
9) Do a shot if someone gets slammed through the announcer's table.
10) Waterfall for any bloodshed.
11) Drink if someone smashes into the ring post or steps.
12) Drink for all top rope moves and flying attacks to the outside of the ring.
13) Drink for a ref bump.
14) Drink for a botch.
15) Drink for a backstage comedy sketch.
16) Drink for a celebrity guest or musical number. (The Flo-Rida Rider: If a celebrity guest fucks up a wrestler, finish your drink. This includes pinning a wrestler in a match.) 
17) Drink for an old wrestler cameo. 
18) The "Roots 2" Rule: Drink for racism. (The King Lawler's Decree: Drink for sexism.)
19) The Edge's Tears Rule: Do a shot if at least one Hall of Fame inductee cries. 
20) The Jake the Snake HoF Celebration Rule: Drink for all DDTs.
21) The Macho Man Memorial Rule: Drink for outrageous ring gear. 
22) The Shawn Michaels's Zipline Rule: Drink for an overly elaborate Wrestlemania entrance. 
23) If Triple H gets pinned or submitted, finish your drink. 
24) Drink for every person the Big Show eliminates from the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. 
25) Drink for every person Mark Henry eliminates from the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.
26) Drink if Vince makes an appearance.
27) Drink if JR makes an appearance.
28) Do a shot if CM Punk makes an appearance. 
29) The Wellness Policy: Do drugs during Randy Orton's entrance. (If you don't do drugs, do a shot.) 
30) The Levee Law: Waterfall if there's a flood in New Orleans. 

Follow these rules to the letter at your Wreslemania XXX party and you'll be blacked out putting your guests in the Sharpshooter in no time!

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